all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 2TE 1 1 51.071252 -1.803601
SP1 2TF 8 0 51.064754 -1.789629
SP1 2TG 14 0 51.06507 -1.790184
SP1 2TH 6 0 51.06527 -1.789674
SP1 2TJ 14 10 51.061857 -1.777546
SP1 2TW 1 1 51.071247 -1.803591
SP1 2TZ 1 1 51.071252 -1.803601
SP1 2UD 2 2 51.065652 -1.782365
SP1 2YH 1 1 51.071252 -1.803601
SP1 2JL 11 0 51.064787 -1.783292
SP1 2HX 3 0 51.066378 -1.787723
SP1 2WX 1 1 51.071252 -1.803601
SP1 2ET 0 51.064731 -1.781851
SP1 2FD 10 0 51.065042 -1.789627
SP1 2FA 0 51.065743 -1.784829
SP1 2FE 4 51.064262 -1.77956
SP1 2FB 8 0 51.066601 -1.790153
SP1 2EW 1 1 51.065851 -1.783135
SP1 3AA 23 1 51.074219 -1.795699
SP1 3AB 56 0 51.074617 -1.79408