all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 3FP 18 0 51.087272 -1.780917
SP1 3FQ 52 0 51.088709 -1.775356
SP1 3FR 5 0 51.088099 -1.780956
SP1 3FS 4 0 51.088387 -1.780712
SP1 3FW 10 0 51.089642 -1.778679
SP1 3FX 11 0 51.088025 -1.7795
SP1 3FY 11 0 51.087135 -1.779619
SP1 3FZ 32 0 51.088266 -1.783654
SP1 3GA 12 0 51.088165 -1.782484
SP1 3GB 19 0 51.087679 -1.782257
SP1 3GD 30 0 51.091007 -1.782613
SP1 3GH 15 0 51.089528 -1.785219
SP1 3GJ 7 0 51.08852 -1.784923
SP1 3GL 10 0 51.088307 -1.781441
SP1 3GN 4 0 51.091263 -1.784968
SP1 3GQ 33 0 51.089224 -1.785991
SP1 3GR 15 0 51.090266 -1.785372
SP1 3GS 23 0 51.090876 -1.78457
SP1 3GT 8 0 51.090596 -1.784
SP1 3GU 4 4 51.089757 -1.771386