all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 3GW 16 0 51.091217 -1.78414
SP1 3GX 32 0 51.090266 -1.780675
SP1 3GY 29 1 51.089185 -1.784506
SP1 3GZ 16 3 51.090016 -1.781732
SP1 3HA 29 0 51.07673 -1.784193
SP1 3HB 2 0 51.077678 -1.784064
SP1 3HD 4 0 51.076684 -1.783365
SP1 3HE 12 0 51.079019 -1.781827
SP1 3HF 22 0 51.078943 -1.784568
SP1 3HG 16 0 51.079058 -1.786285
SP1 3HH 24 0 51.079844 -1.780395
SP1 3HJ 8 0 51.080294 -1.780622
SP1 3HL 4 0 51.081056 -1.779776
SP1 3HN 1 0 51.087544 -1.772521
SP1 3HP 9 8 51.085643 -1.7753
SP1 3HQ 25 0 51.081208 -1.779019
SP1 3HR 36 0 51.085971 -1.777554
SP1 3HS 36 0 51.085576 -1.77807
SP1 3HT 12 0 51.083868 -1.778121
SP1 3HU 28 0 51.083635 -1.778779