all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 3JY 36 0 51.083034 -1.805021
SP1 3JZ 32 0 51.084602 -1.806871
SP1 3LA 29 0 51.085375 -1.806411
SP1 3LB 15 0 51.085727 -1.807566
SP1 3LD 6 0 51.086569 -1.805592
SP1 3LE 2 0 51.087713 -1.810132
SP1 3LF 9 0 51.085379 -1.808995
SP1 3LG 19 0 51.087774 -1.810684
SP1 3LH 11 0 51.089214 -1.811606
SP1 3LJ 10 1 51.089407 -1.814061
SP1 3LL 11 1 51.091152 -1.814425
SP1 3LN 32 0 51.081518 -1.801716
SP1 3LP 5 0 51.089809 -1.812832
SP1 3LQ 18 0 51.086396 -1.80959
SP1 3LR 37 0 51.082125 -1.804126
SP1 3LS 21 0 51.081818 -1.80357
SP1 3LT 31 1 51.075532 -1.797973
SP1 3LU 19 0 51.076738 -1.798767
SP1 3LW 17 0 51.088126 -1.811696
SP1 3LX 19 0 51.0822 -1.800713