all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 3LY 26 0 51.076882 -1.798338
SP1 3LZ 6 0 51.0779 -1.799476
SP1 3NA 13 0 51.07782 -1.800204
SP1 3NB 36 0 51.078286 -1.799031
SP1 3ND 16 0 51.077808 -1.798391
SP1 3NE 1 0 51.078596 -1.796618
SP1 3NF 17 0 51.077596 -1.795623
SP1 3NG 17 0 51.077417 -1.796123
SP1 3NH 33 0 51.080345 -1.794169
SP1 3NJ 2 0 51.079434 -1.795776
SP1 3NL 20 0 51.079985 -1.794056
SP1 3NN 17 0 51.079608 -1.794158
SP1 3NP 35 0 51.08254 -1.799484
SP1 3NQ 15 0 51.07668 -1.796155
SP1 3NR 1 1 51.078536 -1.803527
SP1 3NS 8 0 51.08262 -1.799127
SP1 3NT 24 0 51.083611 -1.800222
SP1 3NU 8 0 51.084498 -1.798219
SP1 3NW 20 1 51.079292 -1.793774
SP1 3NX 40 0 51.08352 -1.799694