all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 3RN 14 0 51.078983 -1.796545
SP1 3RP 14 0 51.08177 -1.796661
SP1 3RR 15 0 51.083695 -1.797066
SP1 3RS 11 0 51.083642 -1.792041
SP1 3RT 33 0 51.083834 -1.793882
SP1 3RU 8 0 51.084008 -1.79568
SP1 3RW 6 0 51.08016 -1.796397
SP1 3RX 39 0 51.085197 -1.797303
SP1 3RY 10 1 51.086727 -1.797796
SP1 3RZ 1 1 51.093586 -1.796866
SP1 3SA 17 2 51.087556 -1.798963
SP1 3SB 31 3 51.089499 -1.799012
SP1 3SD 2 0 51.093082 -1.799985
SP1 3SE 25 0 51.087301 -1.797136
SP1 3SF 14 1 51.091818 -1.798687
SP1 3SG 4 0 51.083615 -1.797638
SP1 3SL 6 6 51.071683 -1.797547
SP1 3SP 27 15 51.071837 -1.796395
SP1 3SS 1 1 51.071079 -1.796651
SP1 3ST 1 1 51.071159 -1.79655