all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP1 3QJ 27 0 51.086359 -1.793057
SP1 3QL 33 0 51.086444 -1.79023
SP1 3QN 4 0 51.086368 -1.793243
SP1 3QP 30 0 51.08514 -1.795361
SP1 3QQ 40 0 51.089883 -1.797625
SP1 3QR 13 0 51.087447 -1.79291
SP1 3QS 25 1 51.085303 -1.795817
SP1 3QT 10 0 51.087907 -1.793778
SP1 3QU 24 0 51.087396 -1.794552
SP1 3QW 46 0 51.086785 -1.789843
SP1 3QX 22 0 51.088446 -1.793562
SP1 3QY 36 0 51.090024 -1.796096
SP1 3QZ 37 0 51.087311 -1.795584
SP1 3RA 30 0 51.088954 -1.79593
SP1 3RB 7 0 51.088435 -1.797374
SP1 3RE 12 0 51.071606 -1.794522
SP1 3RF 4 0 51.071713 -1.794122
SP1 3RH 21 2 51.077239 -1.796852
SP1 3RJ 20 0 51.07706 -1.797424
SP1 3RL 6 0 51.078166 -1.797433