all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 3JP 15 0 51.214883 -1.490679
SP10 3JQ 3 0 51.212232 -1.488818
SP10 3JR 19 0 51.214627 -1.489565
SP10 3JS 19 0 51.214339 -1.491672
SP10 3JT 11 0 51.214928 -1.49274
SP10 3JU 18 0 51.215384 -1.492048
SP10 3JW 37 0 51.213966 -1.490703
SP10 3JX 19 0 51.215567 -1.492905
SP10 3JY 30 11 51.214051 -1.493565
SP10 3JZ 8 8 51.214216 -1.493151
SP10 3WF 42 0 51.205683 -1.507012
SP10 3LA 12 0 51.215625 -1.496686
SP10 3LB 1 1 51.215737 -1.494692
SP10 3LD 1 1 51.215021 -1.495488
SP10 3LE 8 0 51.214393 -1.495752
SP10 3LF 15 12 51.216727 -1.516258
SP10 3XW 7 7 51.215538 -1.515669
SP10 3LG 55 0 51.207534 -1.490058
SP10 3LH 1 1 51.213945 -1.51099
SP10 3LJ 36 0 51.209378 -1.509034