all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 3LL 1 1 51.209819 -1.511435
SP10 3LN 15 0 51.207189 -1.491365
SP10 3RY 17 0 51.204176 -1.508002
SP10 3LP 7 0 51.2098 -1.508844
SP10 3LQ 20 0 51.214309 -1.494009
SP10 3LR 10 0 51.210203 -1.510586
SP10 3LS 7 6 51.210976 -1.513816
SP10 3LT 5 0 51.207811 -1.489583
SP10 3LU 5 4 51.213375 -1.50908
SP10 3LW 2 0 51.209538 -1.507575
SP10 3LX 5 4 51.21267 -1.509343
SP10 3LY 10 0 51.210219 -1.51458
SP10 3LZ 8 0 51.208699 -1.497418
SP10 3NA 3 1 51.210296 -1.509268
SP10 3NB 24 0 51.214325 -1.507221
SP10 3ND 10 0 51.212543 -1.506911
SP10 3NE 34 0 51.212031 -1.504955
SP10 3NF 20 0 51.212425 -1.504435
SP10 3NG 21 0 51.215183 -1.50598
SP10 3NH 12 0 51.209948 -1.507811