all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 3PP 24 0 51.201143 -1.503125
SP10 3PQ 10 0 51.203283 -1.503116
SP10 3PR 54 2 51.201039 -1.501852
SP10 3PS 20 0 51.201884 -1.501714
SP10 3PT 25 0 51.20064 -1.503145
SP10 3PU 59 0 51.213439 -1.504124
SP10 3PW 7 0 51.200967 -1.503985
SP10 3PX 79 0 51.214021 -1.484704
SP10 3PY 34 0 51.216544 -1.492035
SP10 3PZ 23 0 51.216179 -1.490936
SP10 3QA 49 0 51.204999 -1.494237
SP10 3QB 54 0 51.204619 -1.495916
SP10 3QD 10 0 51.20206 -1.500997
SP10 3QE 12 0 51.202391 -1.500549
SP10 3QF 10 0 51.202613 -1.499946
SP10 3QG 12 0 51.203069 -1.499197
SP10 3QH 10 0 51.202816 -1.501046
SP10 3QJ 3 0 51.203186 -1.501328
SP10 3QL 10 0 51.203516 -1.500866
SP10 3QN 4 4 51.215705 -1.507109