all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 3QP 2 2 51.202653 -1.501808
SP10 3QQ 15 0 51.203118 -1.500184
SP10 3QR 38 0 51.216139 -1.48982
SP10 3QS 12 0 51.206788 -1.485915
SP10 3QT 12 5 51.206615 -1.483412
SP10 3QU 58 1 51.208182 -1.484024
SP10 3QW 12 0 51.203119 -1.498237
SP10 3QX 27 3 51.209185 -1.485058
SP10 3QZ 4 0 51.207127 -1.484296
SP10 3RA 26 0 51.204675 -1.504676
SP10 3RE 47 0 51.21505 -1.49795
SP10 3RF 11 0 51.214476 -1.500476
SP10 3RG 26 0 51.21551 -1.500393
SP10 3RH 2 1 51.216571 -1.501358
SP10 3FF 2 0 51.216859 -1.497159
SP10 3RJ 9 0 51.216347 -1.498423
SP10 3RL 31 0 51.216823 -1.498446
SP10 3RN 1 1 51.2116 -1.492333
SP10 3RP 6 0 51.211944 -1.486717
SP10 3RQ 34 0 51.215981 -1.499128