all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 3RR 22 0 51.204372 -1.507441
SP10 3RS 12 0 51.211593 -1.486749
SP10 3RU 8 8 51.212693 -1.511464
SP10 3RW 2 0 51.218187 -1.496515
SP10 3RX 12 0 51.211734 -1.486075
SP10 3RZ 39 1 51.204341 -1.506655
SP10 3SA 18 15 51.215399 -1.516802
SP10 3SB 10 8 51.217741 -1.51788
SP10 3SD 1 1 51.215024 -1.511007
SP10 3SE 3 3 51.218599 -1.515454
SP10 3ZE 17 17 51.217059 -1.517017
SP10 3SF 6 5 51.214276 -1.519319
SP10 3SH 4 4 51.21632 -1.517852
SP10 3SJ 20 18 51.211297 -1.509959
SP10 3SL 17 14 51.216676 -1.514784
SP10 3SP 32 0 51.216208 -1.485238
SP10 3SQ 4 4 51.21627 -1.514387
SP10 3SS 29 0 51.216278 -1.488745
SP10 3ST 26 0 51.216382 -1.487899
SP10 3SU 15 0 51.215818 -1.488449