all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 4DT 1 0 51.230537 -1.48409
SP10 4DU 15 13 51.218606 -1.477251
SP10 4DX 24 0 51.223467 -1.479615
SP10 4DY 27 0 51.222362 -1.4984
SP10 4DZ 17 0 51.223206 -1.496028
SP10 4EA 17 0 51.22193 -1.496114
SP10 4EB 27 0 51.222471 -1.49538
SP10 4ED 39 0 51.221608 -1.496576
SP10 4EE 24 0 51.222786 -1.480124
SP10 4EF 3 0 51.23103 -1.477725
SP10 4EG 16 0 51.222846 -1.502276
SP10 4EH 13 0 51.222564 -1.505687
SP10 4EJ 62 0 51.224633 -1.503674
SP10 4EL 23 0 51.224567 -1.500997
SP10 4EN 14 0 51.224277 -1.502432
SP10 4EP 22 0 51.223883 -1.504914
SP10 4EQ 22 0 51.223006 -1.503992
SP10 4ER 24 0 51.223314 -1.502399
SP10 4ET 10 0 51.223606 -1.503413
SP10 4EZ 32 0 51.223273 -1.507469