all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 4HA 30 0 51.223558 -1.504659
SP10 4HB 9 0 51.220967 -1.500105
SP10 4HE 20 0 51.221942 -1.500982
SP10 4JX 1 1 51.218393 -1.478999
SP10 4JZ 2 2 51.220013 -1.478338
SP10 4LD 6 0 51.222857 -1.490218
SP10 4LE 60 0 51.223457 -1.491572
SP10 4LG 60 0 51.221946 -1.491589
SP10 4LH 14 0 51.222612 -1.487644
SP10 4LJ 54 0 51.221424 -1.489289
SP10 4LL 20 0 51.222494 -1.48932
SP10 4LN 9 0 51.2227 -1.489275
SP10 4LP 16 0 51.223767 -1.488461
SP10 4LQ 38 0 51.221138 -1.49187
SP10 4LR 10 0 51.223548 -1.487662
SP10 4LS 16 0 51.223967 -1.487027
SP10 4LT 14 0 51.223722 -1.486457
SP10 4LU 10 0 51.224034 -1.487814
SP10 4LW 25 0 51.221851 -1.488225
SP10 4LX 15 0 51.221173 -1.489521