all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

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Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 5BX 10 0 51.220926 -1.472498
SP10 5BY 10 0 51.221331 -1.47258
SP10 5BZ 10 0 51.221031 -1.471638
SP10 5DA 10 0 51.221489 -1.47159
SP10 5DB 10 0 51.221262 -1.471149
SP10 5DD 11 1 51.221666 -1.470886
SP10 5DE 29 4 51.221255 -1.469574
SP10 5DF 12 0 51.220525 -1.4713
SP10 5DG 12 0 51.220048 -1.471162
SP10 5DH 11 0 51.220657 -1.470568
SP10 5DJ 14 0 51.220626 -1.469753
SP10 5DL 10 0 51.220598 -1.469438
SP10 5DN 11 0 51.220785 -1.469063
SP10 5DP 12 0 51.220942 -1.468045
SP10 5DQ 12 0 51.220207 -1.47043
SP10 5DR 12 0 51.220511 -1.468107
SP10 5DS 12 0 51.220967 -1.467629
SP10 5DT 12 0 51.220562 -1.467376
SP10 5DU 13 0 51.220675 -1.466659
SP10 5DW 10 0 51.220379 -1.468825