all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 5DX 12 0 51.22117 -1.46661
SP10 5DY 12 0 51.221687 -1.467721
SP10 5DZ 12 0 51.222191 -1.467701
SP10 5EA 12 0 51.221556 -1.468439
SP10 5EB 11 0 51.222015 -1.46872
SP10 5ED 12 0 51.221424 -1.469142
SP10 5EE 11 0 51.221875 -1.469409
SP10 5EF 11 0 51.221671 -1.470084
SP10 5EG 8 0 51.219347 -1.469109
SP10 5EH 16 0 51.219071 -1.469856
SP10 5EJ 12 0 51.218967 -1.470659
SP10 5EL 16 0 51.218079 -1.467262
SP10 5EN 8 0 51.218547 -1.467228
SP10 5EP 13 0 51.219482 -1.467332
SP10 5EQ 9 0 51.218897 -1.469114
SP10 5ER 14 0 51.219433 -1.466358
SP10 5ES 17 0 51.218724 -1.466581
SP10 5ET 8 0 51.217902 -1.465846
SP10 5EU 7 0 51.218244 -1.465814
SP10 5EW 13 0 51.219006 -1.46738