all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 5JB 53 0 51.225541 -1.474837
SP10 5JD 71 0 51.226271 -1.475187
SP10 5JG 5 5 51.215688 -1.461491
SP10 5JH 48 0 51.224264 -1.470942
SP10 5JJ 18 0 51.224156 -1.474753
SP10 5JL 9 0 51.223963 -1.475929
SP10 5JN 57 0 51.223985 -1.476788
SP10 5JP 77 0 51.225068 -1.477649
SP10 5JQ 53 0 51.225055 -1.470747
SP10 5JR 55 0 51.223496 -1.475934
SP10 5JS 12 0 51.223337 -1.474576
SP10 5JT 1 1 51.214151 -1.453821
SP10 5JU 27 0 51.22626 -1.476691
SP10 5JW 31 0 51.22363 -1.477909
SP10 5JX 50 0 51.222824 -1.474496
SP10 5JY 1 1 51.227447 -1.476806
SP10 5JZ 55 0 51.226002 -1.473386
SP10 5LB 24 0 51.225948 -1.477496
SP10 5LD 52 0 51.226476 -1.472779
SP10 5LG 5 5 51.219223 -1.460692