all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 5LL 11 10 51.220029 -1.463947
SP10 5LQ 5 4 51.219459 -1.453272
SP10 5LU 6 4 51.216345 -1.460496
SP10 5NA 66 0 51.229921 -1.477107
SP10 5ND 41 0 51.228694 -1.478095
SP10 5NG 13 0 51.22762 -1.475186
SP10 5NH 12 0 51.228596 -1.474459
SP10 5NJ 22 0 51.227902 -1.473994
SP10 5NL 25 0 51.228299 -1.476338
SP10 5NP 2 2 51.211945 -1.45412
SP10 5NQ 27 0 51.228806 -1.475172
SP10 5NS 6 6 51.214026 -1.450157
SP10 5NT 11 9 51.213268 -1.454362
SP10 5NU 4 4 51.211955 -1.451613
SP10 5NW 4 4 51.214161 -1.452174
SP10 5NX 6 6 51.213629 -1.452683
SP10 5NY 23 19 51.214339 -1.457498
SP10 5PA 12 0 51.220999 -1.476664
SP10 5PB 18 0 51.220169 -1.473953
SP10 5PD 11 0 51.220953 -1.474317