all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP10 5PE 13 0 51.220796 -1.473402
SP10 5PF 26 0 51.219359 -1.475924
SP10 5PG 9 0 51.220355 -1.475469
SP10 5PH 24 0 51.219356 -1.475137
SP10 5PJ 14 0 51.220299 -1.475011
SP10 5PL 58 0 51.221176 -1.475889
SP10 5PN 29 0 51.22014 -1.475529
SP10 5PU 28 0 51.227389 -1.473986
SP10 5QR 18 0 51.227052 -1.474978
SP10 5QZ 1 1 51.213966 -1.448998
SP10 5RJ 1 1 51.206329 -1.48174
SP10 5RW 1 1 51.218001 -1.458056
SP10 5QQ 0 51.227119 -1.47575
SP10 5HL 0 51.218072 -1.468566
SP10 5ZQ 1 51.206329 -1.48174
SP10 9ZZ 1 51.206119 -1.491419
SP10 9ZY 1 51.206119 -1.491419
SP10 9SA 1 51.206119 -1.491419
SP10 9ZW 1 51.206119 -1.491419
SP10 9ZU 1 51.206119 -1.491419