all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP11 0BQ 1 0 51.279726 -1.455166
SP11 0BS 3 0 51.286209 -1.472827
SP11 0BT 1 0 51.283527 -1.460369
SP11 0BU 2 0 51.282133 -1.460901
SP11 0BW 2 0 51.281816 -1.46231
SP11 0BX 2 0 51.281782 -1.460905
SP11 0BY 26 0 51.282326 -1.459221
SP11 0BZ 1 0 51.282113 -1.458019
SP11 0DA 32 0 51.278397 -1.447698
SP11 0DG 4 1 51.262694 -1.468567
SP11 0DH 1 0 51.270224 -1.465341
SP11 0DJ 1 0 51.283197 -1.44559
SP11 0DL 1 0 51.286136 -1.445339
SP11 0DN 2 0 51.289903 -1.443802
SP11 0DP 2 0 51.309428 -1.435144
SP11 0DQ 4 0 51.27512 -1.472237
SP11 0DR 2 0 51.308601 -1.435255
SP11 0DS 21 2 51.32125 -1.441644
SP11 0DT 4 0 51.321423 -1.440808
SP11 0DU 2 0 51.319445 -1.44452