all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP11 0DW 3 0 51.293788 -1.437632
SP11 0DX 2 0 51.320025 -1.443538
SP11 0DY 2 0 51.317279 -1.458222
SP11 0DZ 6 0 51.317999 -1.461801
SP11 0EA 2 0 51.321166 -1.476573
SP11 0EB 4 0 51.32063 -1.47678
SP11 0ED 1 0 51.319617 -1.477509
SP11 0EE 16 0 51.320512 -1.480542
SP11 0EF 14 0 51.320558 -1.500071
SP11 0EG 4 0 51.322546 -1.440465
SP11 0EJ 3 0 51.317238 -1.499003
SP11 0EL 21 0 51.3152 -1.499814
SP11 0EN 6 0 51.309599 -1.499975
SP11 0ER 4 1 51.290721 -1.425091
SP11 0ES 1 0 51.293523 -1.420152
SP11 0ET 6 0 51.284696 -1.417295
SP11 0EU 2 0 51.271992 -1.423634
SP11 0HA 30 0 51.278509 -1.45647
SP11 0HB 3 0 51.306368 -1.5078
SP11 0HD 26 0 51.307238 -1.509297