all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP11 0PX 7 0 51.217488 -1.546833
SP11 0PY 15 0 51.215669 -1.546121
SP11 0PZ 49 0 51.219556 -1.546713
SP11 0QA 4 0 51.219556 -1.547719
SP11 0QE 4 0 51.222584 -1.548502
SP11 0QB 4 0 51.221821 -1.548796
SP11 0QD 1 1 51.222136 -1.548893
SP11 0QF 2 0 51.224967 -1.561384
SP11 0QG 3 0 51.226306 -1.560151
SP11 0QJ 18 0 51.217299 -1.546792
SP11 0QL 4 0 51.220006 -1.568215
SP11 0QN 16 13 51.21833 -1.548371
SP11 0QP 1 0 51.225217 -1.550366
SP11 0QQ 2 0 51.223548 -1.565762
SP11 0QR 8 0 51.218007 -1.54385
SP11 0QS 15 0 51.217376 -1.545746
SP11 0QT 21 0 51.216403 -1.545226
SP11 0QU 7 0 51.216873 -1.54578
SP11 0QW 6 0 51.222451 -1.56802
SP11 0QX 12 3 51.214286 -1.527068