all postcodes in SP1 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP11 0QY 11 0 51.21518 -1.527975
SP11 0QZ 16 2 51.216879 -1.5279
SP11 0RA 14 0 51.222445 -1.529172
SP11 0RB 5 0 51.224361 -1.528039
SP11 0RD 10 2 51.224488 -1.527476
SP11 0RE 19 0 51.22645 -1.530133
SP11 0RF 2 0 51.227584 -1.529022
SP11 0RG 2 0 51.228399 -1.528341
SP11 0RH 4 0 51.229633 -1.527853
SP11 0RJ 2 0 51.230063 -1.528438
SP11 0RL 1 0 51.233518 -1.525621
SP11 0RN 5 0 51.226334 -1.525953
SP11 0RP 8 0 51.22562 -1.53176
SP11 0RQ 39 2 51.227002 -1.52871
SP11 0RR 22 0 51.224125 -1.530973
SP11 0RS 24 0 51.226249 -1.53151
SP11 0RT 2 0 51.264794 -1.52265
SP11 0RU 13 1 51.265001 -1.523993
SP11 0RW 13 0 51.225756 -1.525272
SP11 0RX 2 0 51.269965 -1.518325