all postcodes in SP5 / SALISBURY

find any address or company within the SP5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SP / Salisbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SP5 2ES 21 0 50.990119 -1.630177
SP5 2ET 2 0 50.987392 -1.625913
SP5 2EU 8 0 50.992904 -1.635341
SP5 2EW 19 0 50.983298 -1.62892
SP5 2EX 10 0 51.010484 -1.658284
SP5 2HA 5 2 50.989177 -1.718362
SP5 2HB 2 0 50.99041 -1.718174
SP5 2HD 7 0 50.989405 -1.71526
SP5 2HE 7 3 50.989418 -1.717648
SP5 2HF 8 0 50.989713 -1.712945
SP5 2HG 8 0 50.987685 -1.711105
SP5 2HH 17 0 50.986434 -1.710799
SP5 2HJ 4 0 50.985814 -1.710761
SP5 2HL 8 0 50.984993 -1.709669
SP5 2HN 13 0 50.985275 -1.71112
SP5 2HP 3 0 50.984524 -1.709372
SP5 2HQ 12 0 50.988255 -1.712669
SP5 2HR 19 0 50.983753 -1.710246
SP5 2HS 6 0 50.982855 -1.70726
SP5 2HT 0 50.988477 -1.714624