all postcodes in SR1 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR1 2BU 1 54.914928 -1.361769
SR1 2BW 0 54.908008 -1.366698
SR1 2BX 0 54.909785 -1.369789
SR1 2DH 0 54.910898 -1.367791
SR1 2DJ 1 54.910981 -1.366448
SR1 2DL 0 54.910857 -1.367026
SR1 2DP 0 54.910291 -1.368612
SR1 2DR 0 54.908083 -1.372499
SR1 2DU 0 54.911514 -1.366923
SR1 2DW 1 54.911076 -1.36406
SR1 2DX 0 54.910823 -1.365375
SR1 2DY 0 54.910469 -1.366456
SR1 2DZ 0 54.910305 -1.366038
SR1 2EE 3 54.912392 -1.361402
SR1 2ES 1 54.902346 -1.3581
SR1 2HL 0 54.906748 -1.373299
SR1 2HP 0 54.90751 -1.37296
SR1 2HS 3 54.907688 -1.370929
SR1 2HT 1 54.908176 -1.371499
SR1 2HX 1 54.906652 -1.372224