all postcodes in SR2 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR2 8BX 14 0 54.9004 -1.369141
SR2 8BY 55 0 54.90044 -1.369966
SR2 8BZ 10 0 54.900144 -1.370018
SR2 8DA 18 0 54.900982 -1.373903
SR2 8DB 29 0 54.900709 -1.374968
SR2 8DH 1 1 54.89626 -1.36459
SR2 8DP 4 3 54.90083 -1.377849
SR2 8DS 3 0 54.897703 -1.375888
SR2 8DT 16 0 54.901411 -1.376922
SR2 8DU 21 0 54.896159 -1.377923
SR2 8DX 13 0 54.901412 -1.375456
SR2 8DY 9 0 54.901525 -1.374659
SR2 8EA 97 0 54.90026 -1.376815
SR2 8EB 12 0 54.900333 -1.375471
SR2 8ED 37 0 54.900745 -1.376901
SR2 8EE 64 0 54.899321 -1.377765
SR2 8EN 1 0 54.898465 -1.37731
SR2 8ES 4 0 54.900484 -1.374925
SR2 8EU 34 0 54.899558 -1.376576
SR2 8EW 21 0 54.898728 -1.376106