all postcodes in SR2 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR2 8EX 22 0 54.897996 -1.377006
SR2 8EY 1 0 54.898056 -1.374666
SR2 8EZ 25 0 54.898097 -1.375694
SR2 8HA 8 0 54.897464 -1.37664
SR2 8HB 25 0 54.897376 -1.375175
SR2 8HD 21 0 54.897192 -1.374445
SR2 8HE 13 0 54.896444 -1.374098
SR2 8HF 7 0 54.895995 -1.374137
SR2 8HR 15 1 54.899858 -1.38086
SR2 8HS 57 1 54.89925 -1.379778
SR2 8HT 68 0 54.89948 -1.37901
SR2 8HU 4 1 54.898313 -1.379293
SR2 8HX 1 0 54.898272 -1.380058
SR2 8HZ 25 0 54.897695 -1.377806
SR2 8JA 13 1 54.897771 -1.378615
SR2 8JB 11 1 54.896767 -1.379145
SR2 8JF 14 1 54.896234 -1.375115
SR2 8JG 47 2 54.895168 -1.374025
SR2 8JH 4 0 54.895652 -1.373906
SR2 8JJ 16 0 54.896051 -1.372654