all postcodes in SR2 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR2 9AA 1 1 54.892387 -1.389175
SR2 9AB 2 2 54.892466 -1.390731
SR2 9AD 14 0 54.891363 -1.391046
SR2 9AH 4 0 54.890581 -1.385648
SR2 9AJ 8 0 54.891948 -1.387576
SR2 9AR 33 0 54.890318 -1.392278
SR2 9AS 9 0 54.890514 -1.390186
SR2 9AT 21 0 54.890121 -1.388757
SR2 9AU 10 0 54.890246 -1.386807
SR2 9AX 26 0 54.889784 -1.389776
SR2 9AY 5 0 54.889111 -1.388024
SR2 9AZ 8 0 54.888827 -1.388761
SR2 9BA 9 0 54.891459 -1.390499
SR2 9BB 11 0 54.889898 -1.391006
SR2 9BD 16 0 54.889669 -1.391945
SR2 9BE 25 0 54.889355 -1.390219
SR2 9BG 7 0 54.888705 -1.389527
SR2 9BH 7 0 54.887849 -1.392627
SR2 9BJ 15 0 54.887765 -1.392191
SR2 9BL 11 0 54.88851 -1.391837