all postcodes in SR2 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR2 9EW 55 0 54.887155 -1.390424
SR2 9BN 36 0 54.888396 -1.390717
SR2 9BP 7 0 54.889433 -1.386071
SR2 9BQ 10 0 54.888121 -1.393168
SR2 9BS 2 0 54.890143 -1.386354
SR2 9BT 3 2 54.891134 -1.38829
SR2 9BU 9 0 54.89202 -1.389415
SR2 9BW 4 0 54.88906 -1.386996
SR2 9BX 19 0 54.891264 -1.389161
SR2 9DE 17 0 54.886946 -1.377566
SR2 9DF 33 0 54.884641 -1.385536
SR2 9DG 12 0 54.884111 -1.385715
SR2 9DH 38 0 54.884392 -1.387987
SR2 9DJ 2 2 54.881038 -1.378965
SR2 9DL 43 1 54.885575 -1.389122
SR2 9DN 25 0 54.886448 -1.392804
SR2 9DP 14 0 54.886041 -1.388772
SR2 9DQ 44 0 54.8839 -1.386576
SR2 9DR 2 0 54.885548 -1.387422
SR2 9DS 23 0 54.886594 -1.387891