all postcodes in SR2 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR2 0BF 0 54.867909 -1.383951
SR2 0BG 0 54.869123 -1.385974
SR2 0BH 0 54.869788 -1.385871
SR2 0BJ 0 54.870893 -1.384155
SR2 0BL 0 54.871423 -1.384132
SR2 0BN 0 54.870775 -1.385606
SR2 0BP 0 54.871337 -1.386657
SR2 0BQ 0 54.869872 -1.386617
SR2 0BS 0 54.87206 -1.385649
SR2 0BT 0 54.871514 -1.382572
SR2 0BU 0 54.872646 -1.382446
SR2 0BW 0 54.871521 -1.38572
SR2 0BX 0 54.872182 -1.383076
SR2 0BY 0 54.867605 -1.380746
SR2 0DB 0 54.868942 -1.382113
SR2 0DD 0 54.868515 -1.381169
SR2 0DE 0 54.876539 -1.36356
SR2 0DF 0 54.873983 -1.36974
SR2 0DG 0 54.874261 -1.371465
SR2 0DH 1 54.874933 -1.371313