all postcodes in SR2 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR2 0DJ 0 54.875277 -1.373367
SR2 0DL 0 54.875542 -1.372381
SR2 0DN 0 54.875275 -1.371232
SR2 0DP 0 54.875252 -1.370079
SR2 0DQ 0 54.874652 -1.372285
SR2 0DR 0 54.876271 -1.370873
SR2 0DS 0 54.876214 -1.373804
SR2 0DT 0 54.877127 -1.373057
SR2 0DU 0 54.876766 -1.36245
SR2 0DW 0 54.875859 -1.371191
SR2 0DX 0 54.877181 -1.371327
SR2 0DY 0 54.877617 -1.372286
SR2 0DZ 0 54.876818 -1.374013
SR2 0EA 0 54.875598 -1.374608
SR2 0EB 0 54.876051 -1.37524
SR2 0ED 0 54.877592 -1.376152
SR2 0EE 0 54.877929 -1.375196
SR2 0EF 0 54.877669 -1.373594
SR2 0EG 0 54.868797 -1.380058
SR2 0EP 0 54.875759 -1.376211