all postcodes in SR3 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR3 2BT 14 0 54.873458 -1.392017
SR3 2BU 10 0 54.87394 -1.393333
SR3 2BX 11 0 54.874079 -1.394065
SR3 2BZ 61 0 54.870453 -1.39306
SR3 2DA 46 0 54.871094 -1.393626
SR3 2DB 9 0 54.869968 -1.394983
SR3 2DE 26 0 54.875341 -1.393048
SR3 2DF 11 0 54.874842 -1.39209
SR3 2DG 18 0 54.870633 -1.402282
SR3 2DH 50 0 54.869622 -1.401346
SR3 2DJ 8 0 54.869918 -1.403056
SR3 2DL 16 0 54.870129 -1.401962
SR3 2DN 34 0 54.870156 -1.400325
SR3 2DP 23 0 54.8713 -1.402521
SR3 2DQ 58 0 54.870941 -1.404521
SR3 2DR 22 0 54.871423 -1.402099
SR3 2DS 20 1 54.871422 -1.401802
SR3 2DT 23 0 54.871509 -1.401334
SR3 2DU 23 0 54.871544 -1.401099
SR3 2DW 46 0 54.87109 -1.403849