all postcodes in SR3 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR3 2DX 24 0 54.871605 -1.400615
SR3 2DY 24 0 54.871648 -1.40035
SR3 2DZ 25 1 54.871772 -1.399912
SR3 2EA 12 0 54.871842 -1.399506
SR3 2EB 12 0 54.871912 -1.399131
SR3 2ED 12 0 54.871973 -1.39874
SR3 2EE 16 0 54.872727 -1.398557
SR3 2EF 28 0 54.872014 -1.397882
SR3 2EG 8 0 54.871041 -1.397445
SR3 2EH 30 0 54.870896 -1.39913
SR3 2EJ 20 0 54.870671 -1.398915
SR3 2EL 14 0 54.870307 -1.396287
SR3 2EN 22 0 54.870209 -1.398237
SR3 2EP 31 0 54.867644 -1.404741
SR3 2EQ 8 0 54.87053 -1.397702
SR3 2ER 19 0 54.867456 -1.401253
SR3 2ES 14 0 54.867707 -1.402979
SR3 2ET 16 0 54.871426 -1.406275
SR3 2EW 44 0 54.867516 -1.402546
SR3 2LE 1 1 54.86608 -1.406741