all postcodes in SR3 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR3 1BE 17 1 54.877101 -1.405506
SR3 1BG 24 0 54.877155 -1.407188
SR3 1BH 20 0 54.877649 -1.409035
SR3 1BJ 14 0 54.878499 -1.408337
SR3 1BL 4 0 54.878819 -1.407522
SR3 1BP 43 1 54.878425 -1.405954
SR3 1BQ 31 0 54.877523 -1.407105
SR3 1BS 44 0 54.87863 -1.405732
SR3 1BU 21 0 54.878706 -1.404765
SR3 1BW 13 2 54.879374 -1.407218
SR3 1BX 36 0 54.878837 -1.405714
SR3 1BY 3 0 54.879015 -1.405446
SR3 1BZ 28 0 54.88024 -1.405896
SR3 1DA 30 0 54.87937 -1.404397
SR3 1DB 50 0 54.880534 -1.403647
SR3 1DD 16 0 54.880082 -1.403124
SR3 1DE 12 0 54.88056 -1.407107
SR3 1DG 40 0 54.87767 -1.409783
SR3 1DH 34 0 54.87746 -1.394357
SR3 1DJ 6 0 54.874123 -1.415726