all postcodes in SR3 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR3 1DL 15 0 54.890333 -1.402629
SR3 1DN 13 0 54.892331 -1.40129
SR3 1DP 44 0 54.874862 -1.395954
SR3 1DQ 43 0 54.877106 -1.410197
SR3 1DR 20 0 54.876002 -1.395735
SR3 1DS 10 0 54.876598 -1.396302
SR3 1DT 42 0 54.87681 -1.397421
SR3 1DU 26 0 54.875978 -1.398088
SR3 1DW 36 0 54.875323 -1.394779
SR3 1DX 8 0 54.875866 -1.400957
SR3 1DY 20 0 54.8769 -1.402859
SR3 1DZ 17 1 54.877513 -1.403271
SR3 1EA 40 0 54.877114 -1.40256
SR3 1ED 10 0 54.876452 -1.394169
SR3 1EG 4 0 54.877005 -1.394972
SR3 1EJ 1 1 54.872716 -1.402109
SR3 1EL 1 1 54.872532 -1.403
SR3 1EN 1 0 54.872358 -1.404093
SR3 1EP 28 0 54.875246 -1.402774
SR3 1ER 23 0 54.87317 -1.406436