all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 0BU 0 54.902523 -1.429677
SR4 0BW 0 54.903177 -1.429153
SR4 0BX 2 54.90255 -1.427712
SR4 0BY 0 54.903932 -1.427349
SR4 0BZ 0 54.90373 -1.428397
SR4 0DA 2 54.904848 -1.427227
SR4 0DB 0 54.905523 -1.427605
SR4 0DE 0 54.903665 -1.431811
SR4 0DD 0 54.904148 -1.429249
SR4 0DF 0 54.904312 -1.431849
SR4 0DG 0 54.904407 -1.432846
SR4 0DL 0 54.906567 -1.427981
SR4 0DW 0 54.907575 -1.428185
SR4 0DX 1 54.905566 -1.430927
SR4 0DY 0 54.904758 -1.431203
SR4 0DZ 0 54.903084 -1.430543
SR4 0EA 0 54.90217 -1.43093
SR4 0EB 0 54.906226 -1.435552
SR4 0ED 0 54.906084 -1.433916
SR4 0EE 0 54.905462 -1.435422