all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

find any address or company within the SR4 postcode district

Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 0AA 0 54.908161 -1.4247
SR4 0AB 0 54.906674 -1.425688
SR4 0AD 0 54.906104 -1.426663
SR4 0AE 0 54.907227 -1.426741
SR4 0AG 0 54.907747 -1.426453
SR4 0AL 0 54.908197 -1.43064
SR4 0AN 0 54.908593 -1.426922
SR4 0AQ 0 54.907965 -1.432811
SR4 0AT 0 54.90409 -1.424571
SR4 0AU 0 54.906397 -1.424164
SR4 0AX 0 54.903982 -1.422701
SR4 0AY 0 54.903423 -1.424485
SR4 0AZ 0 54.903107 -1.425724
SR4 0BA 0 54.9028 -1.423576
SR4 0BB 0 54.903183 -1.422791
SR4 0BJ 0 54.902788 -1.426742
SR4 0BL 0 54.902385 -1.427044
SR4 0BN 0 54.903564 -1.429366
SR4 0BS 0 54.90263 -1.43142
SR4 0BT 0 54.902326 -1.431598