all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 7EB 0 54.902634 -1.400436
SR4 7ED 0 54.902816 -1.399261
SR4 7EE 0 54.903348 -1.39938
SR4 7EF 1 54.903873 -1.40023
SR4 7EG 1 54.904792 -1.4007
SR4 7EH 0 54.904128 -1.398994
SR4 7EJ 1 54.903881 -1.398497
SR4 7EL 0 54.903544 -1.399034
SR4 7EN 3 54.90277 -1.398905
SR4 7EP 0 54.903969 -1.399899
SR4 7EQ 0 54.904291 -1.399241
SR4 7EY 10 54.902329 -1.400612
SR4 7EZ 9 54.90219 -1.399756
SR4 7HA 0 54.901503 -1.398862
SR4 7HB 0 54.900797 -1.399558
SR4 7HD 0 54.901463 -1.399782
SR4 7HE 3 54.902138 -1.401893
SR4 7HG 9 54.901832 -1.401882
SR4 7HH 0 54.900831 -1.401055
SR4 7HL 0 54.900449 -1.402027