all postcodes in SR4 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR4 6EX 1 54.906915 -1.40477
SR4 6EY 0 54.90817 -1.404407
SR4 6EZ 1 54.908376 -1.405872
SR4 6HA 0 54.908788 -1.405569
SR4 6HB 0 54.90783 -1.406316
SR4 6HD 0 54.906765 -1.40524
SR4 6HE 0 54.906364 -1.406088
SR4 6HH 0 54.90695 -1.406407
SR4 6HJ 1 54.906644 -1.408096
SR4 6HL 0 54.90732 -1.406667
SR4 6HN 0 54.907734 -1.40691
SR4 6HP 0 54.907559 -1.407755
SR4 6HR 0 54.906981 -1.407202
SR4 6HS 0 54.906923 -1.408201
SR4 6HT 0 54.906134 -1.406809
SR4 6HU 0 54.906082 -1.407247
SR4 6HW 0 54.908033 -1.407343
SR4 6HX 2 54.905806 -1.407873
SR4 6HY 1 54.907396 -1.409705
SR4 6JA 0 54.907355 -1.410285