all postcodes in SR5 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR5 3HD 8 4 54.918681 -1.423926
SR5 3HJ 1 1 54.917856 -1.435904
SR5 3HL 2 0 54.910124 -1.453011
SR5 3HN 2 0 54.902269 -1.460621
SR5 3HP 2 0 54.905513 -1.460762
SR5 3HR 6 6 54.910602 -1.457234
SR5 3HT 1 1 54.920918 -1.427623
SR5 3HW 7 1 54.907076 -1.454396
SR5 3HX 1 0 54.925242 -1.471766
SR5 3HY 2 0 54.920208 -1.48414
SR5 3HZ 2 2 54.924141 -1.470889
SR5 3JA 5 0 54.924675 -1.471524
SR5 3JB 1 0 54.921745 -1.437378
SR5 3JD 1 1 54.921597 -1.430656
SR5 3JG 38 27 54.919956 -1.418305
SR5 3JJ 6 6 54.921913 -1.427389
SR5 3JL 1 1 54.912352 -1.458708
SR5 3JN 4 4 54.915005 -1.459156
SR5 3JX 10 0 54.914951 -1.4551
SR5 3JY 30 0 54.915548 -1.453891