all postcodes in SR5 / SUNDERLAND

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR5 3QH 16 1 54.922418 -1.454922
SR5 3QJ 25 0 54.92236 -1.454095
SR5 3QN 19 0 54.923009 -1.454461
SR5 3QQ 56 0 54.920856 -1.45332
SR5 3QR 51 0 54.920937 -1.447359
SR5 3QW 6 0 54.923884 -1.455058
SR5 3QY 1 1 54.907103 -1.487522
SR5 3RA 2 0 54.925623 -1.460556
SR5 3RB 16 0 54.925139 -1.460502
SR5 3RD 11 0 54.922837 -1.460221
SR5 3RE 17 1 54.923069 -1.457984
SR5 3RF 11 0 54.922942 -1.45958
SR5 3RG 16 0 54.922462 -1.458697
SR5 3RH 10 0 54.919642 -1.459078
SR5 3RL 1 1 54.911875 -1.454641
SR5 3RP 8 0 54.918121 -1.458521
SR5 3RQ 17 0 54.921136 -1.459526
SR5 3RR 8 0 54.917015 -1.458427
SR5 3RS 8 0 54.916692 -1.45871
SR5 3RW 17 0 54.918158 -1.458832