all postcodes in SR8 / PETERLEE

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR8 2HP 2 2 54.774334 -1.3635
SR8 2HQ 26 0 54.764593 -1.351796
SR8 2HR 11 11 54.768647 -1.360263
SR8 2HS 3 3 54.757394 -1.365196
SR8 2HU 9 9 54.755746 -1.361025
SR8 2HW 1 1 54.763956 -1.353717
SR8 2HX 1 1 54.764837 -1.362251
SR8 2HY 13 12 54.766325 -1.373401
SR8 2JD 1 1 54.760351 -1.360208
SR8 2JF 17 16 54.769628 -1.362221
SR8 2JH 5 5 54.764718 -1.373956
SR8 2JL 29 0 54.758507 -1.354861
SR8 2JN 31 0 54.757527 -1.354705
SR8 2JP 11 0 54.757025 -1.356718
SR8 2JQ 5 5 54.77222 -1.36655
SR8 2JR 13 0 54.756214 -1.35628
SR8 2JS 31 0 54.755585 -1.356244
SR8 2JT 9 0 54.754991 -1.355989
SR8 2JU 28 0 54.754436 -1.356448
SR8 2JW 17 0 54.756779 -1.356069