all postcodes in SR8 / PETERLEE

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR8 2RD 15 14 54.767723 -1.364087
SR8 2RH 1 1 54.762417 -1.368583
SR8 2RJ 9 8 54.755012 -1.365249
SR8 2RL 3 3 54.760833 -1.364582
SR8 2RN 46 1 54.764091 -1.348711
SR8 2RP 10 0 54.764116 -1.350047
SR8 2RR 8 6 54.752988 -1.366444
SR8 2RS 3 3 54.754054 -1.3675
SR8 2RU 6 6 54.760059 -1.374774
SR8 2RW 7 0 54.763846 -1.349989
SR8 2SW 1 1 54.756479 -1.36908
SR8 2WW 1 0 54.757941 -1.333286
SR8 2XY 1 0 54.757941 -1.333286
SR8 2XZ 1 0 54.757941 -1.333286
SR8 2YB 1 0 54.757941 -1.333286
SR8 2YG 1 1 54.757951 -1.3333
SR8 2YH 1 1 54.757941 -1.333286
SR8 2YQ 1 1 54.757951 -1.3333
SR8 2RQ 1 54.762538 -1.374642
SR8 2QJ 4 54.764022 -1.365993