all postcodes in SR8 / PETERLEE

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR8 3BB 32 0 54.783328 -1.35983
SR8 3BD 15 0 54.78342 -1.356843
SR8 3BE 1 0 54.783639 -1.355845
SR8 3BG 6 1 54.784311 -1.355321
SR8 3BH 7 0 54.784823 -1.355437
SR8 3BL 4 0 54.784736 -1.355873
SR8 3BN 11 0 54.785879 -1.35455
SR8 3BP 4 1 54.783991 -1.359369
SR8 3BQ 38 2 54.785245 -1.355244
SR8 3BS 22 2 54.784797 -1.360522
SR8 3GG 2 0 54.784843 -1.35895
SR8 3BT 3 0 54.784774 -1.3613
SR8 3BU 15 0 54.785181 -1.361916
SR8 3BW 2 0 54.784001 -1.356211
SR8 3BX 8 0 54.784908 -1.362884
SR8 3BY 1 0 54.785037 -1.363535
SR8 3NY 1 0 54.793016 -1.370206
SR8 3DA 1 0 54.786632 -1.364334
SR8 3DB 39 0 54.783339 -1.361836
SR8 3DD 12 0 54.783612 -1.360899