all postcodes in SR8 / PETERLEE

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR8 3QJ 0 54.789001 -1.323833
SR8 3QQ 0 54.788484 -1.323049
SR8 3QR 0 54.788127 -1.320162
SR8 3QU 0 54.787593 -1.319377
SR8 3QW 0 54.788281 -1.320331
SR8 3RA 0 54.786688 -1.320062
SR8 3RB 0 54.786569 -1.319582
SR8 3RF 0 54.785973 -1.319157
SR8 3RG 0 54.785837 -1.318817
SR8 3RH 0 54.785347 -1.31811
SR8 3RJ 0 54.785305 -1.318499
SR8 3RL 0 54.787795 -1.33166
SR8 3RN 0 54.787516 -1.328321
SR8 3RQ 0 54.785603 -1.318727
SR8 3RU 0 54.78834 -1.322849
SR8 3RW 0 54.787407 -1.319926
SR8 3RX 0 54.788071 -1.323009
SR8 3RY 1 54.787855 -1.322966
SR8 3RZ 0 54.787576 -1.322752
SR8 3SA 0 54.78737 -1.322879