all postcodes in SR / Sunderland

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District

SR / Sunderland

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR2 0GW 1 1 54.861862 -1.354802
SR2 0PJ 1 0 54.861862 -1.354802
SR2 0RT 2 54.872069 -1.371609
SR2 0EH 1 0 54.866907 -1.376145
SR2 0NY 1 1 54.862347 -1.368348
SR2 0EJ 0 54.867245 -1.377231
SR2 0EL 0 54.866641 -1.378595
SR2 0EN 0 54.866217 -1.378181
SR2 0EQ 0 54.867083 -1.378853
SR2 0FA 0 54.867436 -1.377818
SR2 0QY 0 54.868168 -1.359391
SR2 0QZ 0 54.867898 -1.359333
SR2 0RB 0 54.867045 -1.359347
SR2 0ST 0 54.867381 -1.358469
SR2 0SU 0 54.866931 -1.360034
SR2 0FB 25 0 54.868983 -1.378043
SR2 0FE 28 0 54.870109 -1.378587
SR2 0FF 1 0 54.878714 -1.360376
SR2 0SY 2 0 54.870062 -1.366029
SR2 7AA 7 54.902281 -1.391113