all postcodes in SR / Sunderland

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Postcode Area

SR / Sunderland

Postcode District

SR / Sunderland

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SR1 2ES 1 54.902346 -1.3581
SR1 2HL 0 54.906748 -1.373299
SR1 2HP 0 54.90751 -1.37296
SR1 2HS 3 54.907688 -1.370929
SR1 2HT 1 54.908176 -1.371499
SR1 2HX 1 54.906652 -1.372224
SR1 2HZ 0 54.905449 -1.372446
SR1 2JA 0 54.904807 -1.371645
SR1 2JB 0 54.904798 -1.371645
SR1 2JD 6 54.904562 -1.36962
SR1 2JE 0 54.905566 -1.370619
SR1 2JF 0 54.906267 -1.370764
SR1 2JG 0 54.906118 -1.369706
SR1 2JH 2 54.906051 -1.367103
SR1 2JN 0 54.906513 -1.369622
SR1 2JQ 0 54.906083 -1.36821
SR1 2JR 3 54.909463 -1.373739
SR1 2JS 0 54.908163 -1.370873
SR1 2JT 0 54.907816 -1.369633
SR1 2JU 1 54.908991 -1.371126