all postcodes in SS0 / WESTCLIFF-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS0 9JL 41 0 51.549167 0.691862
SS0 9JN 49 0 51.549186 0.69143
SS0 9JP 39 0 51.549295 0.691004
SS0 9JQ 22 2 51.546274 0.69371
SS0 9JR 36 0 51.547647 0.690329
SS0 9JS 34 0 51.5477 0.690737
SS0 9JT 29 0 51.54568 0.68981
SS0 9JU 39 0 51.545491 0.690217
SS0 9JW 43 0 51.549457 0.690609
SS0 9LA 18 11 51.543861 0.691462
SS0 9LD 34 12 51.544412 0.689201
SS0 9LJ 24 6 51.544881 0.688955
SS0 9LG 36 11 51.544554 0.690681
SS0 9LN 55 0 51.545845 0.689286
SS0 9LP 31 0 51.547884 0.689795
SS0 9LR 37 0 51.549576 0.690112
SS0 9LS 36 0 51.549554 0.689706
SS0 9LT 15 0 51.550354 0.689552
SS0 9LU 21 0 51.550503 0.687339
SS0 9LW 23 0 51.54775 0.689355