all postcodes in SS0 / WESTCLIFF-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS0 9QU 3 0 51.550642 0.682442
SS0 9QW 30 0 51.549888 0.685139
SS0 9RA 59 0 51.546571 0.683126
SS0 9RB 24 0 51.548506 0.683442
SS0 9RD 24 0 51.548343 0.683865
SS0 9RE 35 0 51.550092 0.683679
SS0 9RF 39 0 51.550196 0.684262
SS0 9RH 25 1 51.55107 0.679063
SS0 9RJ 9 0 51.550689 0.678435
SS0 9RL 22 1 51.55089 0.67986
SS0 9RN 27 0 51.550828 0.68179
SS0 9RP 36 1 51.550133 0.682672
SS0 9RQ 52 0 51.551092 0.682036
SS0 9RR 29 0 51.549808 0.683114
SS0 9RS 26 0 51.548402 0.682887
SS0 9RT 25 0 51.548331 0.682422
SS0 9RU 48 3 51.546637 0.682178
SS0 9RW 12 0 51.550727 0.683471
SS0 9RX 27 0 51.546764 0.681724
SS0 9RY 25 0 51.546642 0.681197