all postcodes in SS15 / BASILDON

find any address or company within the SS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

SS / Southend-on-Sea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SS15 6BH 2 0 51.576705 0.421791
SS15 6BJ 6 0 51.577534 0.421531
SS15 6BL 8 0 51.576914 0.421498
SS15 6BN 17 1 51.577981 0.422118
SS15 6BP 3 0 51.578387 0.42162
SS15 6BQ 22 0 51.572755 0.4038
SS15 6BS 4 0 51.578717 0.421738
SS15 6BT 11 0 51.57886 0.421775
SS15 6BU 29 0 51.579992 0.422282
SS15 6BW 6 0 51.577749 0.421571
SS15 6BX 1 1 51.571106 0.460069
SS15 6BZ 6 0 51.579461 0.421417
SS15 6DA 2 0 51.580251 0.421662
SS15 6DB 8 0 51.58204 0.422853
SS15 6DE 18 0 51.58191 0.423467
SS15 6DG 42 0 51.580376 0.412819
SS15 6DH 1 1 51.583718 0.424055
SS15 6DL 36 0 51.581513 0.412172
SS15 6DP 3 3 51.583983 0.421226
SS15 6DQ 2 2 51.583332 0.424006